Organic tinctures

Herbal tinctures are made by soaking specific parts of plants, herbs and trees in alcohol to draw out their healing properties. Tinctures are a powerful form of herbal medicine that can help support your body’s natural healing processes. They can bring healing and balance to both your physical and energetic body. Bringing that glow of health to body, mind, emotions and soul.

At Whispers of the Plants you can only buy organic products. For how can we truly heal ourselves if we damage our surroundings? By choosing to use organic ingredients you support not only your own health, but also a healthier world.

By adding a few drops of Whispers of the Plants tincture to your water or directly under your tongue you can incorporate the healing and magic of the plants in your daily routine while also supporting people that (take) care for the beautiful natural world around us <3

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Are you ready to listen to the whispers of the plants?